Poolsuite's Hottest Hyperlinks of 2024 ☼

Poolsuite's Hottest Hyperlinks of 2024 ☼
Hubert De Givenchy by Tony Vaccaro, 1961

Dearest internet friends,

Welcome to this year’s final instalment of what’s hot in life & leisure.

Thanks so much for hanging with us both online & IRL this year. 2024 threw us a few curveballs behind the scenes, but it’s left us more charged up than ever to bring you various fresh, leisurely creations in 2025. Stay tuned.

Quick shout out to those attending our intimate soirée in Lisbon tonight, can't wait to see you!

Anyway, onto the good stuff. Here's our hotlist of the hottest Hot and Hotter Hyperlinks of 2024—as clicked by you, our esteemed community of exceedingly hot people.

Much love ☼

Hot Hyperlinks

☼ This is the year I discovered how much I needed a Mini Combinatorial Sounder of Car Shaped

☼ A stunning “ultra-sustainable” home in Majorca by architect Ernest Bordoy

☼ If you feel like bankrupting yourself over a lamp, it should probably be this one

☼ Here’s how Pharrell’s friends think his brain works

  • “I feel like his level of humility makes him receptive to his surroundings and remain inspired, which is one of the reasons he’s had such longevity within his craft”
  • “He thinks in dreams, speaks in joy, and sees life in color”

☼ How to make your home & workspace fuel your creativity

☼ I still cannot stop thinking about this project… In 2021, New Zealand couple Frank Stark and Emma Bugden purchased a pool derelict public swimming pool (and adjacent hall and fire station), before bringing on Patchwork Architecture to transform it into a truly iconic home for their family. And yes, I absolutely am scouring Google Maps for every abandoned public pool in Europe right now.

☼ Not safe for work: Summer, as seen by 23 exceptionally good photographers


55 observations from taking a year off work (this is really really good, thanks Olly for sharing)

☼ The iconic high-end camera brand Leica released their own camera app, with looks & lenses which authentically replicate shooting on a (rather expensive) Leica camera.

☼ Diplo’s Jamaican jungle paradise is about as wild as you might imagine…

☼ The latest in lo-fi “quiet tech” – the Light Phone III is available for pre-order, shipping April 2025. It has a camera, directions, calendar, notes, voice memos, a flashlight, personal hotspot, and a simple music & podcast player. All you need. I love it.

☼ What if you made a lil travel journal like this?

☼ Pentax brought out a pretty special new analog film camera. It’s special because camera film is currently expensive as hell, and this camera shoots two images per frame. So a roll of 36 exposures becomes 72. It does this by splitting one landscape orientation image into two portrait orientation images. As someone who mostly shoots 120 medium format film and gets 16 shots per roll… 72 is a lot of images.

☼ I recently learned of this city in Africa with iconic architecture reminiscent of Italy in the 1940s: “An eccentric emblem of Modernist design”

☼ This thirty-four minute documentary from YETI will take you back to the wild magic of 1970s Key West: “It was an astonishing convergence of nascent talent: In the late 1960s and 1970s, a young group of now legendary writers including Tom McGuane, Jim Harrison, Guy de La Valdène, and Richard Brautigan, along with artist and author Russell Chatham and a local busker named Jimmy Buffett, washed ashore in Key West, Florida. They inhabited, and largely fashioned, a period of creative expression, drug-fueled parties, and general hell-raising that cemented the legend of Key West.”

Hotter Hyperlinks

Hand picked with the utmost care exclusively for the most fervent leisure enthusiasts…

This Instagram account is someone exclusively someone spinning Japanese city pop songs on vinyl.

☼ I’m loving the photo + video apps Halide and Kino for iPhone. They’re aren’t free but they are very good.

☼ Technology peaked here

☼ I stumbled upon these mesmerising artworks by Rutger Paulusse

☼ This beautiful light shop called Huey (that header video is 10/10 and is pushing me further to believe I must acquire an ‘80s Mercedes convertible)

Ten new books to read by the pool

☼ Netherlands furniture makers LCM design are making some of the most beautiful DJ & vinyl storage solutions I’ve seen to date

☼ Just a perfect little internet project: collect the buttons you click as you ~surf the web~

Exclusively accepting butter in this form from here on out

☼ Still dreaming of this really great private island near Stockholm

Ernő Rubik reflects on the impact of his iconic puzzle on its 50 year anniversary

☼ Very into this Instagram account of miscellaneous scanned objects

☼ An exceptional photographer I stumbled upon this year: Lucy Sparks

☼ An absolutely glorious spinning vinyl record storage shelf. This is a perfect product and I hope it makes them millions

☼ Did one of you buy this mint green Ferrari F40 for $1.9m? God I hope so

☼ Inspired by perfect pieces of Japanese fruit, Joseph Töreki’s hyperreal renders will make your mouth water

Until next year!

See you online ☼


Catch us on Instagram between issues: my personal / @poolsuite